Global News

Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.

WFA/Forbes Insights research reveals China marketing challenges

Current marketer focus is on building awareness in China. Chinese brands prepare to expand into other markets.
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Asuncion: Una neuva agenda continental - 10a Reunion Regional WFA LATAM

Por: Jorge Merino, Vice-Presidente Regional WFA-LATAM
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Association of Swedish Advertisers launches “wiki forum”

The Association of Swedish Advertisers (SA) has launched a wiki on their webpage; a type of website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser. It takes its name from Wikipedia, the popular web-based, collaborative encyclopaedia.
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Australian draft legislation to ban TV advertising defeated

The Australian Senate has voted down a Bill to ban television advertising of high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) foods to children between 6:30am to 9:30 pm.
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WFA Comment: The Value of a Fan

Many marketers struggle to work out what social media fans are worth and what they can do to make them more valuable. The WFA teamed up with Millward Brown to provide guidance.
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WFA speaks to Greek marketers

On 29th March, Stephan Loerke spoke to Greek marketers on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of WF.A's Greek national advertiser association (SDE).
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Global advertisers and their fans explore value of social media

WFA research proposes basic expectations and differentiators for fan pages...
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