Global News
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Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.
Portugal invests in educational and training activities
The Portuguese advertiser association (APAN) has recently invested in a number of educational initiatives for both its members and non-members.
Japan seeks to increase number of Advertiser-agency contracts signed
In September 2012, the Japanese association (JAA) released an updated version of the standardized advertiser-agency contract model.
Mobile spend up with caveats
The world's biggest advertisers are increasing their use of mobile despite clear concerns about the medium's inability to demonstrate return on investment.
WFA & partners launch OBA self-regulatory programme
The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) was officially launched in Brussels today. The EDAA is in charge of administering the self-regulatory programme for Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) across Europe.
Alcohol producers announce new global commitments to help reduce harmful use of alcohol
On October 9, during ICAP's international conference on “Global Actions: Initiatives to Reduce Harmful Drinking” in Washington D.C, the CEOs of 13 of the world's leading beer, wine and spirits producers announced a new round of collective commitments over the next five years in support of the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.
3 CMOs to speak at WFA's 60th Anniversary
Three Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are already confirmed to speak at next year's Global Marketer Conference in Brussels.