Global News

Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.

Worldwide ad market approaches $500 billion

Advertising spending around the world is projected to increase 3.9% this year to more than $494 billion.
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WFA launches CMO World Tour

WFA is travelling the world to talk to the top marketers at the world's leading brands. Our aim is to explore the impact of the digital age on marketers' personal lives and how this reflects on their own marketing vision and approach.
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WFA to join WEF advisory committee

Stephan Loerke, WFA managing Director, has been invited to become a Member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Media, Entertainment & Information 2011, on the basis of thought leadership in the field of marketing communications.
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Swedish Association finalises new online measurement rules

Sveriges Annonsörer have just released new online measurement rules for the KIA-index, the Swedish online currency established in 2002.
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ANDA Chile to hold yearly seminar of ANDA Knowledge Center

On June 17th, Anda Chile's Knowledge Center, AKC, will hold its yearly seminar “What do we [really ] know about Chileans”.
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AGNA Mexico organises contest on market research

AGNA Mexico is organizing with AMAI (Mexican association of market research agencies) a contest in a number of universities to encourage students' interest in market research in media.
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CAA advocates for online transmission of TV commercials

The Advertiser Association in Argentina (CAA) is leading an initiative focusing on the digitalization of advertising processes, to switch from physical support to online transmission of TV commercials.
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Dutch association launches "24 hours of Advertising"

The Advertiser Association in the Netherlands (BVA) has launched an innovative 24hour series of events that started with a breakfast and workshop for 500 marketing students and young professionals.
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