Global News

Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.

Re-election of APAN's President

Eduardo Branco from Portugal Telecom was re-elected for another 3 years mandate at APAN's General Assembly that took place on March 31st, 2011.
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French association recognized for positive role played in combatting obesity

In 2009, the French Ministers for Health and Culture co-signed- with members of the advertising and broadcasting industries- a self-regulatory charter to promote healthy eating and physical activity in TV programmes and TV advertising.
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New Zealand's ANZA appoints CEO

The Association of New Zealand Advertisers (ANZA) has announced that Lindsay Mouat has been appointed as CEO from 1 July 2011.
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WFA holds advertising and kids meeting in US

On June 23rd, New York City played host to the first ever meeting of the Responsible Advertising and Children (RAC) Programme meeting in the United States.
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WFA holds Global Ad Summit in New York

On June 21st 2011, WFA hosted by invitation only the Global Advertising Summit in New York.
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WFA Webinar: How to pay for global ad production

On 21st June WFA ran a webinar in partnership with APR on “How to pay for production”.
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Spanish Congress adopts restrictions on food advertising to children

On 16 June, the Spanish Congress adopted a Law on Food Safety and Nutrition. This Law aims to regulate food safety and certain aspects of food advertising, and seeks, in particular, to protect children and to curb obesity.
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WFA webinar: revealing the first results of our IMC scorecard

The IMC Scorecard is a benchmarking tool created by the WFA. It allows member companies to evaluate their readiness in relation to integrated marketing communications.
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