Global News

Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.

Advertising to kids remains on Euro Parliament agenda

Despite receiving praise the from the European Commission on how it is self-regulating food marketing, the industry still faces a number of challenges on the sensitive issue of marketing to children.
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13 tips for digital marketers

WFA has launched Project Reconnect to try and provide guidance to marketers so that brand communications more closely reflect what people really want and expect from brands.
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Five tips for better natural search

A benchmark amongst WFA Digital Network members has identified five key measures that can assist marketers who want to ensure branded sites and content appears higher up the natural search lists.
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eMarketer: "Social Network Ad Revenues to Reach $10 Billion Worldwide in 2013"

Worldwide social network ad revenues will reach $5.54 billion this year, eMarketer estimates, with just under half that amount, $2.74 billion, coming from the US market.
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WFA Managing Director, Stephan Loerke, joined 800 invitees at the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual Global Agenda Council in Abu Dhabi on Oct 9-11.
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European Parliament rejects restrictions on advertising to kids

On 17th October, the European Parliament's Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee adopted a draft report on “a new strategy for Consumer Policy”, which omitted a paragraph from the original draft, which called for a ban on TV advertising aimed at children under the age of 12.
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FTC softens proposal on food marketing guidelines

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has indicated that it will be softening its approach to food marketing by amending parts of the Interagency Working Group's (IWG) proposal for nutrition standards for food marketed to children.
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UK advertisers respond to "commercialisation of childhood" challenge

In June this year, the UK government commissioned Reg Bailey, Chief Executive of the Mother's Union, to carry out an independent review of the perceived pressures on children to grow up too quickly.
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