Global News

Below are recent news items from WFA's network of advertiser associations and the wider advertising industry. Stay informed by signing up to our monthly global newsletter.

WFA Global Marketer Week to be held in Kuala Lumpur in 2016

WFA's headline event returns to Asia-Pacific for third time in five years
First Global Marketer Week to be held in South-East Asia
Event will be co-hosted with Malaysian Advertisers Association
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WFA research identifies Seven Deadly Sins of bad marketing

Social media analysis reveals what really riles consumers
Panel of experts seek to identify solutions
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WFA reveals ground-breaking research into Africa's marketing challenges

Global brands need to work harder to understand African consumers
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WFA appoints Barclays marketer, David Wheldon, as new president

New appointments to board include representatives from Deutsche Telekom, Grupo Bimbo, LVMH, Mundipharma, Philips and Shell
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