An Advertiser’s View on Ad Blocking
By June 2015, almost 200 million internet users were estimated to be actively using ad blocking technology.
A week following the lau…
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By June 2015, almost 200 million internet users were estimated to be actively using ad blocking technology.
A week following the lau…
read moreEnsuring marketers’ future access to data means being aware of the value consumers place on information about them, Chris Payne explains
The …
read moreAdvertising self-regulation is not a pick and mix: it must cover all marketing. That includes social media. It is becoming urgent for marketers to decide how to make this work in practice, says Stephan Loerke.
read moreThe Netherlands used to take one of the strictest views on online privacy in Europe but a consumer backlash has forced a re-think. EU regulators currently developing a new framework for data protection should take note. Stephan Loerke explains.
read moreRegulators worldwide are setting new rules to protect consumers’ interests in the age of big data. We can’t simply reapply old solutions, says Stephan Loerke.
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