ZenithOptimedia predicts global adspend to grow by 6.6% in 2008

Date: 04/07/2008

According to the latest figures from ZenithOptimedia, ad expenditure outside of North America and Western Europe should grow at around 11.8%. After earlier export-led expansion, domestic consumption is growing in developing market economies, which provides a good base for advertisers to expand their brands.

The US is the top contributor to global adspend growth between 2007-2010, closely followed by China with a massive 63.5% growth $10.2bn, followed by Russia, predicted to grow by 92% or $8.2bn.

Growth forecasts for North America and Western Europe, however, have been downgraded from 3.7% to 3.5% and from 3.9% to 3.7% respectively. However, the report explains that high energy and commodity prices are stoking inflation, so real growth - after adjusting for inflation - is unlikely to exceed 1% in either region.

ZenithOptimedia also forecasts internet advertising to break the 10% share barrier this year and account for 13.6% of world adspend in 2010.

Between 2007 and 2010, Brazil will rise from being the eleventh largest advertising market to the sixth, and Russia will rise from thirteenth to seventh, displacing Spain and Austria from the top ten.

Source: ZenithOptimedia, M&M Global

Refer to the Press Release below for more data.

WFA collates data on global ad spend and media trends to help members understand market conditions and communications investment around the world. For more information please contact [email protected]
