WFA research shows insight into global audience measurement

Date: 31/07/2009

WFA recently completed a member survey focusing on how television audience measurement is organized around the world. Thanks go to the 30 national advertiser associations who took part in the survey: Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Finland, France, GCC (Dubai), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA. 

The objective of the survey was to enable members to benchmark their organization of audience measurement against other markets around the world. The results were designed to provide a guide, with a view to starting dialogue between comparable countries that might be facing similar challenges. Some highlights from the results, available to WFA members for download below, include:

- Joint Industry Committee (JIC) remains the most common approach to organizing TV audience measurement, as recommended in the WFA Media Charter.

- 100% of participating markets with a media owner contract (MOC) plan to move to a JIC approach.

- Nearly half of markets with ‘traditional' media JICs in place plan to evolve their measurement to a Blueprint compliant consumer-centric holistic approach, using a ‘hub' system similar to the UK's IPA TouchPoints.

WFA members can login to download the survey results below, or contact Robert Dreblow [email protected] for more information.

