RECMA ranking shows Mediaedge:cia tops new business successful pitch list

Date: 18/01/2008

Mediaedge:cia tops the rankings in the ninth annual Compitches Report, a survey by French media agency intelligence specialist RECMA of global new business wins. It analyses last year's 2,179 pitches and account moves between fourteen major media shops in fifteen nations.

Compitches also includes retentions and extensions of accounts by 205 agencies in those countries. Methodology is based on a quality/quantity analysis of wins and losses, with each move classified by one of twelve possible reasons. Evaluation is graded by five ratings points, ranging from A+ to C. Gradings are also aggregated as an indicator of competitiveness across the fifteen countries surveyed.

In the global top 5 are:

1. Mediaedge:cia
2. MediaCom
3. ZenithOptimedia
4. OMD
5. MPG

For more information on the report please visit the RECMA website.
