WFA represents food advertisers at Annual Nutrition Conference

Date: 24/02/2010

On 23rd February WFA represented food advertisers at the 4th Annual European Nutrition & Lifestyle Conference, held in Brussels.

The purpose of the event was to discuss how successful nutrition regulation has been to date and explore where the regulatory balance may lie for the future. Other speakers during the event included Robert Madelin (Director General, Health and Consumer Protection, DG SANCO), Renate Sommer MEP (Rapporteur for 'Food Information to Consumers' proposal, European Parliament) and Philippe Roux (Deputy Head of Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission).

WFA's role was to put forward the advertising industry perspective and explain how self-regulatory initiatives (including the "EU Pledge") have been effective in their goal to reduce the amount of advertising to children. WFA members can log in below to download the presentation.

For more information please contact Will Gilroy: [email protected]

