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WFA leads EU/US consultations on self-regulation of online behavioral advertising
Date: 29/01/2010
.On Monday 25th January, WFA met with representatives from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), and the Council of Better Business Bureaus (BBB), as well as the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), to discuss how US industry work on setting up self-regulation of online behavioral advertising could best be extended to Europe.
On the basis of its Global Principles for Self-Regulation in Online Behavioral Advertising, adopted in July 2009, WFA is working with its members and relevant industry partners such as IAB Europe to set up a self-regulatory system for online behavioral advertising in Europe.
Given the importance of ensuring a joined up approach across the US and EU for a medium that is inherently global, progress on the US implementation mechanism is of major significance in the consideration for roll-out within the EU.
For more information please contact Malte Lohan [email protected]