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Edelman survey shows lack of consumer trust in advertising
Date: 29/01/2010
Advertising and social networks are not regarded as being "credible" sources of information by "opinion leaders" in major markets such as the US, China and India, according to the 2010 Edelman Trust Barometer.
Download executive summary here [pdf]
The 2010 Edelman Trust Barometer was based on a survey of 4,875 "informed publics" in 20 nations around the world, including the ten biggest countries in terms of annual GDP. Edelman defined "opinion leaders" as 25-64 year olds with a college education, being in the top income quartile for their age group, and having a keen interest in news content.
Overall, only 17% of its participants viewed product or corporate advertising as a "credible source of information" about a company, the lowest score for the various channels assessed by the PR firm.
This figure stood at 19% for social networks, with other "corporate communications" on 32%, newspaper articles on 34%, online search engines on 35%, and TV news coverage on 36%. Conversations with "friends and peers" received a rating of 37%, with radio news on 38%, while business magazines and stock/analyst reports took the two top spots, on 44% and 49% respectively.
Trust in traditional media continues to wane. Among older informed publics, over the past two years the credibility of television news dropped 20-plus points in the US; radio news coverage dropped by 20 points in the U.K.; and television news and newspapers declined by more than 15 points each in the BRIC countries. "Conversations with friends and peers" as a source of company information saw sizable drops in trust in the US, UK, France, Germany, and BRIC countries.
Source: Edelman, WARC, with additional content by WFA.
Edelman will be presenting further information on this global survey at the next Responsible Advertising and Children programme meeting (Brussels, 24/02/10). For more information please visit the Responsible Advertising and Children website or contact Will Gilroy [email protected]