EU digital media and advertising industries welcome US self-regulatory initiative for online behavioural advertising

Date: 07/07/2009

Brussels, 3 July 2009. The undersigned associations, representing the digital media and advertising industries in Europe, welcome the self-regulatory initiative for online behavioral advertising announced yesterday by a coalition of U.S. industry organisations comprising the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB), the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

Together with ongoing efforts of leading advertising companies and sectors in several markets, the U.S. self-regulatory initiative will help inform discussions and complement initiatives on online behavioural advertising currently taking place in Europe. We are working closely with our sister trade associations in the U.S., as well as those in other markets, to ensure a coherent industry approach to an issue that is by its very nature global.

We take seriously our shared responsibility with regard to online data protection and consumer privacy and are committed to explore sustainable solutions to facilitate the development of the online advertising market, to the mutual benefit of both the consumer and business.

The fair information principles, particularly transparency and control, which are at the heart this initiative and bedrocks of the European privacy framework, will be key to ensuring that consumers are aware of and have meaningful choices regarding online behavioural advertising practices. We recognise that any European initiative will necessarily need to reflect the specific European legal context, which differs from that in the U.S.

For more information contact:

EACA - European Association of Communication Agencies: Dominic Lyle, [email protected]

EADP - European Association of Directory and Database Publishers: Stéphanie Verilhac, [email protected]

EPC - European Publishers' Council: Angela Mills, [email protected]

FEDMA - Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing: Alastair Tempest, [email protected]

IAB Europe - Interactive Advertising Bureau: Kimon Zorbas, [email protected]

WFA - World Federation of Advertisers: Malte Lohan, [email protected]

