Global ad spending to fall by 7%

Date: 14/04/2009

Global adspend will fall by 6.9% in 2009 to a total of $453 billion (€341bn; £305bn), compared with growth of 1% last year, reports ZenithOptimedia.

The media buying arm of Publicis Groupe predicts that TV adspend will decline by 5.5% this year, though the medium will increase its market share to 38.6% by 2011, up from 38.1% last year.

Newspaper ad sales are also set to decrease by 12% in 2009, and the medium's share is likely to fall from 25.3% to 21.6% by 2011. Radio and magazines are similarly forecast to witness double-digit drop offs in revenues this year.

Online will be the main beneficiary of this trend, with revenues rising by 8.6% on an annual basis in 2009, although its growth rate will slow from a total of 20.9% in 2008.

North American adspend will fall by 8.3% to $166bn this year, a decline partly attributed to the fact that the Olympics and presidential election helped prop up advertising revenues last year.

In Western Europe, media spending in France will be down 7.3% in 2009, with drop offs of 5.5% in Germany, 5% in Italy, 10.1% in Spain and 8.7% in the UK. However, marketing outlay in each of these markets, with the exception of Italy, should "increase in 2010."

Central and Eastern Europe will register a decline of 13.9% this year, based on failing local currencies and lower long-term expectations. Latin America will see figures fall by just 2%, as many of the region's economies remain stronger than elsewhere, with Asia Pacific down by 3.4%.

ZenithOptimedia also predicts worldwide adspend will grow by 1.5% in 2010, followed by an expansion of 4.5% in 2011, though the company also warned "these forecasts will be revised in the light of new information."

Source:, Financial Times

WFA collates data on global ad spend and media trends to help members understand market conditions and communications investment around the world. For more information please contact [email protected]
