WFA promotes advertising self-regulation in Mexico

Date: 20/09/2008

On the occasion of the 4th International Conference of the Mexican Self-Regulatory Organistion (CONAR), WFA delivered a presentation on the major challenges facing the advertising industry and how self-regulation must equip itself in order to respond.

The presentation covered the following:

- How marketers can address waning consumer trust in marketing communication;

- Using the opportunity provided by new techs to better understand consumers;

- How SR must broaden its remit in order to be seen as part of the solution to societal challenges such as obesity and alcohol abuse etc.

WFA also took the opportunity to showcase good practices in advertising SR as well as talk about the potential benefits of adopting a food and beverage marketing communication pledge.

The conference was opened by Government officials from PROFECO (Government Consumer Protection Agency), who spoke out in favour of CONAR's activities and advertising self-regulation. Jose Domingo Gomez, Director General of Autocontrol (Spanish Self-Regulatory Organisation) and Oliver Gray, Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance also spoke at the conference giving specific technical presentations designed to help CONAR optimise operations.

For more information please contact Will Gilroy at [email protected]
