Interbrand annouces "Best Global Brands 2008"

Date: 22/09/2008

Google, Apple,, Zara and Nintendo are among this year's top gainers in Interbrand's annual ranking of The Best Global Brands, and not surprisingly, financial services giants Merrill Lynch, Citi and Morgan Stanley are among the companies that have slipped dramatically down the list.

Coca-Cola (No.1) remains the best global brand for the eighth year in a row. Yet, a notable shift in this year's rankings was made by IBM, which took over the No. 2 position from Microsoft (No. 3). Google also moved into the top 10 brands, at No. 10, after ranking at No. 20 in 2007.

Movement in the Best Global Brands 2008 ranking confirms that the tumultuous credit markets are affecting leading financial services brands, including Merrill Lynch (No. 34) and Citi (No. 19). However, some strong industry leaders have survived such as HSBC (No. 27) and credit card companies Visa (a new entrant to the list at No. 100) and American Express (No. 15), which have all been able to transcend the credit crisis due to their trusted brands.

Other brands that fell significantly on the 2008 list include Ford (No. 49) and Gap (No. 77). While notable newcomers include H&M (No. 22), Thomson Reuters (No. 44), BlackBerry (No. 77), Giorgio Armani (No. 94), Marriott (No. 96), FedEx (No. 99) and Visa (No. 100).

Emerging market growth has had a significant impact on this year's ranking. As customers in these markets accumulate wealth and seek to demonstrate it, luxury brands are seen as a clear indication that one belongs to the new elite. Companies like Porsche (No. 75), Ferrari (No. 93) and Prada (No. 91), have experienced great success in the world's emerging markets.

Sustainability is driving brand value across all sectors - from automotive, to consumer products, to financial services. Auto-makers like Honda (No. 20) and Mercedes (No. 11) are creating new, more fuel efficient car models. Honda was the only car manufacturer to report better U.S. sales this year, in June 2008, than it did last year. Companies like GE (No. 4) and BP (No. 84) increased their brand valuation by investing a substantial amount in sustainable business practices. BP also rose among the ranks as a result of its leadership position in working towards greener energy investing in sustainable energy sources.

Source: Interbrand

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