Argentina launches pledge on marketing to children

Argentina launches pledge on marketing to children

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New pledge underpinned by EU pledge nutrition criteria and national dietary guidelines

Article details

  • Author:WFA


24 October 2018
On 10 October, the Advertisers’ Association of Argentina (CAA) and the Argentinian food and beverage industry alliance (COPAL) unveiled a new industry pledge with voluntary commitments on responsible marketing to children at a launch event in Buenos Aires.

Building on the framework of COPAL’s commitments to promote healthy eating and living habits and inspired by International Food and Beverage Alliance’s (IFBA) Global Policy on Marketing Communications to Children, the new pledge includes commitments to:

  • Advertise products that comply with standardised and pre-established international nutrition criteria based on scientific evidence to children under 12 years of age, underpinned by the EU Pledge Nutrition Criteria and national dietary guidelines (GAPA - “Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina”).

  • Do not advertise on television, radio and print media products that do not meet the nutrition criteria established for their respective product categories or exceed 200 kcal per individually-packaged portion.

The signatories are: Arcor, Baggio, Coca-Cola, Danone, Ferrero, Mastellone, Molinos Río de la Plata, Mondelēz, Nestlé, Pepsico, Unilever and Grupo Cepas. The signatory companies will have to fully put in place the standardised nutrition criteria by 10th October 2019.

There will be an annual third-party audit that will monitor and report on commitment compliance of all the signatory companies, especially with regards to critical dates such as school holidays, Christmas, Easter and National Children’s Day.

The launch was attended by CEOs and senior representatives of the signatory companies, as well as WFA and representatives from the government of Argentina.
During the launch of the new pledge, Philip Perez, CAA President, said: "Similar commitments are already being applied in 54 countries spread across five continents, this shows us that the system has proven its reliability."

Will Gilroy, Director of Policy and Communication at WFA, commented: “I congratulate all the signatories for putting aside their differences and the daily routine of market competition, for accepting their corporate responsibilities and taking the long term view by putting their customers and their country first.”

For more information, please contact Philip Perez.

Article details

  • Author:WFA


24 October 2018

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