DGX Benchmark: Opt-in rates for cookie consent (Europe)

DGX Benchmark: Opt-in rates for cookie consent (Europe)

Industry issues
1 minute read

This WFA member benchmark covers member experiences regarding opt-in rates for cookie consent in Europe.

Article details

  • Author:WFA


Benchmarks & surveys
18 March 2020

One of our members in the Digital Governance Exchange (DGX) group requested perspectives from other WFA members on the opt-in rates for cookie consent in Europe.

Members were asked the following questions:

1. What is the average opt-in rate you are currently seeing on your brand websites in the following scenarios?
    If no exact data is available, please provide a rough estimate or skip to Q2.
    a. When 3rd party analytics are OFF by default, how many turn ON?
    b. When functional cookies are OFF by default, how many turn ON?
    c. When personalisation (incl. analytics) is OFF by default, how many turn ON?
    d. When ad targeting is OFF by default, how many turn ON?

2. Do you think that presenting too many options for opt-in results in higher rates of ‘accept all’ or ‘reject all’? Please provide your opinion and/or statistics.

3. A compelling reason and simplistic user interface will help earn a visitor's opt-in for analytics, functional, and ad targeting experiences.
    Do you have a favourite(s) you can share?

Do you offer customers any incentive/value to share their data?
    Please provide examples.

15 WFA members replied to the benchmark request.

Members can download the full, anonymised response document here.

Contact us

  • Gabrielle Robitaille

    For more information or questions, please contact Gabrielle Robitaille at [email protected]