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Integrated marketing top of mind for US marketers
Date: 08/04/2008
Integrated marketing communications was ranked as senior marketers' top priority - for the second year in a row - according to an annual survey by the Association of National Advertisers conducted to help shape its Annual Conference in October.
The survey asked senior marketers to choose their top three issues from a comprehensive list and then rank them in order of importance, from one to three. Of the 157 respondents, more marketers indicated a greater concern about integrated marketing communications than any other issue.
Marketing accountability and the importance of aligning the marketing organization with innovation followed closely in the second and third positions.
The following is the list of the top 10 issues, ranked in order of importance:
1. Integrated marketing communications
2. Marketing accountability
3. Aligning marketing organization with innovation
4. Brand building
5. Media proliferation
6. Advertising creative that achieves business results
7. Consumer control over what and how they view advertising
8. Attracting and retaining top talent
9. Globalization of marketing efforts
10. Multicultural marketing
The results were tabulated by adding up all responses (three for each respondent) and determining which issue was named in the top three by the most marketers.
"The rapidly evolving marketing landscape demands an integrated approach," said Bob Liodice, president and CEO of the ANA. "The survey findings confirm that integrated marketing is one of the foundational pillars the ANA believes are critical to create a transformed marketing environment."
The ANA Integrated Marketing Conference, scheduled for May 29 in New York City, will address the issue ranked the top priority by marketers.
Source: ANA (WFA's US National Association)
WFA looks to reflect the strategic priorities of global marketers within all of its activities. To this end, the WFA Media Committee will be exploring "integrated marketing" in more detail at its next meeting. For more information please contact [email protected]