New audio-visual media bill in Argentina; implications for advertisers

Date: 10/10/2009

On 10 October a new audio-visual media bill was passed in Argentina, which will affect the way advertisers buy advertising and impact the costs of campaigns.

Attached is a full summary of the implications for advertisers (login above to download).

According to WFA's local member, the National Advertiser Association of Argentina (CAA), this regulation will affect all media groups:
- There are strong requirements for domestic production,
- Networks and retransmission of programming is restricted,
- Most big media groups will have to sell several of their radios or TV channels,
- The resulting channels will all be limited to regional coverage,
- Heavier taxes than current ones will be applied,
- Uncertainties abound, as operating licenses can be easily revoked.

The strength of public TV stations will be increased:

- National coverage allowed;
- Exemption from taxes and other dues;
- Will receive subsidies;
- Can sell advertising;
- No time limit on licenses granted.

It is still not known when the law will come into force. CAA, under the leadership of Philip Perez, will continue to voice industry concerns and act on behalf of global marketers.

For any additional information, please contact Caroline Ceska, [email protected] or Philip Perez, [email protected]   


Argentina - New Media Law - Implications for advertisers.pdf