The Netherlands votes against food advertising restrictions

Date: 08/09/2009

A bill in the Dutch Parliament to ban the advertising of foods high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) was rejected yesterday by Dutch MPs. Labour and Socialist Party MPs voted in favour of a ban but the bill was defeated by the Christian Democrat majority. Instead MPs want the industry to adopt self-regulatory measures to help promote healthy lifestyles. The Dutch food industry has mooted the possibility of launching a Dutch pledge to reflect the European Pledge framework at EU level (

Christian Democrat MP, Sabine Uitslag, said during the debate that it was up to parents to determine what children actually eat. Nevertheless, more must be done to get children to exercise, MPs agreed.  MPs were debating measures to combat the growing problem of obesity in Dutch society. Nearly half of Dutch adults are now officially considered to be overweight while one in eight children is obese.

For more information please contact Will Gilroy [email protected]
