WFA Media Charter
Digital and interactive media
- Advertisers recognise the importance of building consumer confidence and credibility in marketing communications in digital media, through responsible and respectful communication. To that effect they fully endorse increased self-regulation, as it has been so successfully developed and applied for all other media.
- Digital/interactive media should embrace the same standards and practices as traditional ones, but should also allow improvements that capture the potential of the medium, with full respect for the consumer. Advertisers therefore encourage experimentation with new and creative business models and marketing communication mechanisms.
- Advertisers support voluntary guidelines which standardize (but not restrict other than for legal or privacy reasons) the broad range of ad formats available, and standardize reporting templates to facilitate accurate post-buy reporting.
- Advertisers support the development of global guidelines for user-centric and site-centric audience research and measurement systems, to enable a comparable common, yet flexible, approach. These systems should be :
- in compliance with the general principles about media audience measurement, as expressed above.
- provide data as much as possible comparable with the data available for the other media, and compatible with the integration in multi-media analyses.
- Advertisers encourage the agency community to continue to develop strong interactive capabilities.
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