Beyond Gender 2: The impact of intersectionality in advertising

Beyond Gender 2: The impact of intersectionality in advertising

1 minute read

The second Beyond Gender report offers valuable insight on intersectionality in advertising, supporting the Unstereotype Alliance's goal of eradicating harmful stereotypes from advertising and media.

Article details

  • Unstereotype Alliance

  • Cannes Lions


Reports & whitepapers
2 November 2021

This report details the results of a study conducted by Ipsos for the Unstereotype Alliance, sponsored by Cannes LIONS. Convened by UN Women, the Alliance collectively acts to empower people in all their diversity (gender, race, class, age, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language, education, etc.) by using advertising as a force for good to drive positive change all over the world. The Unstereotype Alliance seeks to eradicate harmful stereotypes from advertising and media to help create a more equal world.

The report examines the presence and impact of intersectionality in advertising across four markets: Japan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. Although there are differences among different markets, the report can highlight some transnational tendencies. The research found that intersectional advertising that represents people across a variety of social categorisations grows and deepens consumers’ ties with a brand, with few downsides. However, the majority of consumer in all markets researched claimed that they rarely saw themselves in advertising. When looking at consumers form minority groups, the report shows that intersectional advertising is particularly impactful – making the shift to more representative content not just the right thing to do, but also a business imperative.

Read the full report here.


Article details

  • Unstereotype Alliance

  • Cannes Lions


Reports & whitepapers
2 November 2021

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  • Camelia Cristache

    For more information or questions, please contact Camelia Cristache at [email protected]