Strategic partner: EffectiveBrands

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Today every marketer works for or competes against a global brand. We know that building a global brand is difficult enough – but that implementing it effectively across the globe is an even bigger challenge. EffectiveBrands has unrivaled experience in helping increase global marketing effectiveness - by helping global marketing leaders develop and embed global marketing strategy, structure and capability. We always take a receiving-end perspective to develop solutions that build internal capability and create support for change right from the start.

We work for Chief Marketing Officers and Heads of Global Brands of global B2B and B2C marketing organizations across almost all industries such as Diageo, Unilever, ING Bank, Starbucks, Sony, and Shiseido.

In 2013, along with our partners, we launched the Marketing2020 program, by far the most global and comprehensive marketing effectiveness initiative ever conducted. No other program has been organized on this scale to help global CMOs align marketing strategy, structure, and capability with business growth. Over 250 global CMOs and Marketing Key Opinion Leaders have participated in one-hour vision interviews.

The Marketing2020 program is running in the US, UK, Brazil, China, France, Singapore, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. We are very proud to be working with our global partners: the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), Spencer Stuart, Forbes, and Metrixlab and with our local partners in each country: the ANA in the US, ISBA in the UK, BVA/NIMA in the Netherlands, UBA in Belgium, ABA in Brazil, Markenverband and OWM in Germany, and CANA in China.

Please visit for more information or contact Marc de Swaan Arons, Founder: [email protected]

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Winning in Global Marketing

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