WFA's Stephan Loerke delivers keynote at alcohol marketing summit in Nigeria


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WFA's Stephan Loerke recently delivered the keynote address at the Nigerian summit: The “Management of the Potential Impact of Alcohol Beverage Marketing and Marketing Communications on Society”. This summit was organised by the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) in partnership with the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) and the Beer Sector Group of the Manufacturing Association of Nigeria (MAN).

The event brought together beverage alcohol producers, marketers, advertisers, and regulators to discuss issues regarding the potential impact of unrestricted marketing and advertising on public perceptions of the product. It addressed ethical issues in marketing and marketing communications practice as they affect the alcohol industry from all stakeholders' perspectives.

Stephan's address focused on how self-regulation could work in the framework of overall regulation that allows for parties to respect the code agreed on and also provide a mechanism for address.

For more information, please contact Emil Valdelin ([email protected])

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