WFA launches biggest-ever survey on marketing procurement maturity


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The World Federation of Advertisers is today launching the largest-ever survey tracking the ability of marketing and procurement teams to manage advertising spend effectively and efficiently.

This is the third wave of the benchmark study and will provide an even more detailed and actionable picture of the sophistication of the approach taken by companies that complete the research.

WFA members can log in above to download the 2012 results summary below.

Previous surveys have been completed by more than 50 of the world's largest companies and teams responsible for managing over $60bn in advertising spend, giving the WFA the world's biggest pool to assess individual companies against.

Access the survey here:

Working in conjunction with marketing capability consultancy SPIRE, the survey will benchmark resource structure and capabilities for four key effectiveness and efficiency themes:
• Identifying and working with best agencies/ suppliers
• Using integrated and streamlined approaches to manage activities
• Managing money tightly and adopting more cost-efficient ways of working
• Establishing structured mechanisms for continuous improvement

Participation in the third wave of the research is open to both WFA member companies as well as non-members. Those that take part will receive a confidential report and presentation detailing where they sit compared to their peers.

The aim is to encourage procurement experts to take the most sophisticated approach possible to ensure their engagement within the marketing space contributes maximum value to the business.

Taking part is free but those that chose to do so will be able to pay for a more in-depth diagnosis of their position versus other companies and plans for capability building from SPIRE.

“Procurement's focus is onenhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of brand building but they also need to benchmark their own capabilities and internal resources and assess how their skills need to evolve against best-in-class sourcing teams. The first two waves of this study have helped us identify the critical skillsets that procurement needs in this area. We want to help foster positive marketing and procurement relationships and ensure that everyone is collaborating on the areas that matter most to the organisation,” said Steve Lightfoot, Senior Manager, Global Marketing Procurement at the World Federation of Advertisers.

To take part in the 2013 benchmarking contact Steve Lightfoot at the WFA [email protected] or Paul Duxbury at SPIRE [email protected]

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