Join the National Associations Council in Marrakech on March 20!


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The annual WFA National Association Council will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, on March 20th 2015, during Global Marketer Week 2015.

Chaired by Mike Hughes (ISBA, UK), the Council is open to all national advertiser association representatives from the WFA network wishing to share and discuss inspirational ideas and initiatives, with a particular focus this year on organization growth.

All national associations are invited to attend the National Association Council, as well as the other sessions during Global Marketer Week 2015:
  • Global Marketer Conference, bringing together some of the world's top marketers to discuss common challenges facing brands, growth strategies as well as challenges of marketing to consumers across Africa
  • Africa Accelerator, a session designed to highlight the opportunities for brands across the continent
  • A session by Contagious on the most engaging and innovative strategies over the past year.
  • A Project Reconnect panel featuring both young consumers and Global CMOs, as well as contributions from Karmarama and BrainJuicer. The WFA will also release research results at the Project Reconnect session looking at the 7 Deadly Sins of Marketing today.

Registrations are open at and a special hotel rate for WFA members is available until January 27th.

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