Italian Association sets common standards for online advertising


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The Italian Advertiser Association (UPA) has collaborated with the Italian chapter of IAB, the agency associations and sales houses association, in order to set common standards and best practices in online advertising. The initiative, which is now in its second phase, has produced a second group of documents that define:
  • glossary of principal web terms in Italian;
  • definition of discrepancy and under/overdelivery in ad serving delivery, with a statistical quantification. Differently than in other countries, Italian advertisers don't want to accept a standard discrepancy of 10% with no right to get back the impressions that weren't delivered;
  • time suggested to give the display creativity in advance of the serving, in order to prevent possible dysfunctions;
  • most common mobile display ad formats;
  • description of programmatic buying.

The first release took place in May 2013, featuring an English glossary, desktop display ad formats, and laws concerning online advertising. The documents are available at UPA's website.

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