Chilean Association celebrates fifty years


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In 2014, the Chilean Advertiser Association (ANDA Chile) celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Although the landscape has changed significantly since 1964, the core tenets of the association's existence remain the same: self-regulation and advertising standards and the promotion of best practices in advertising.

Fifty years ago, there were only a few agencies in Chile that could execute an advertising campaign and no market research to guide decision-making. Over the last five decades, ANDA Chile has undertaken many successful initiatives to address these shortcomings and has made a very significant contribution to the world of marketing communications, working for greater transparency for consumers. Amongst its other achievements, the ANDA is one of the founding members of the Self-Regulation and Advertising Ethics Council (CONAR). It has also been a driver of audience measurement systems that have provided a fundamental basis for a reliable approach to media investment.

For more information, please contact Mario Davis at [email protected]

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