13 tips for digital marketers


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Ok, all of us hate pop-ups and spam. We know marketers need to be invited into the consumer's digital world, not the other way round. And that digital brand communications need to offer something fresh, relevant and a reason to engage. But are all marketers aware of the sensitivities about data storage, that many teens get turned off by celebrity endorsement and that SMS marketing to kids at school is a big no no? It appears not. Well, at least to many of the people we spoke to.

WFA has launched Project Reconnect to try and provide guidance to marketers so that brand communications more closely reflect what people really want and expect from brands. We want to help build trust by bringing people and brands closer together around an agreed set of ground rules for interaction and communication. We've started in a challenging and high profile area: digital marketing.

This short read highlights some of our initial learnings from discussions with parents and kids from Brazil, China, UK and US; things they accept, things that turn them off, areas where people feel differently – often depending on cultural differences.

This is just the first phase of the project. Moving forward, we intend to harness the potential of social media to continue the conversation in order for the marketing industry to better engage with and understand people and society. And by doing so try and help marketers to ensure their brand communications are more in tune with what people want and expect.

“It is really nice to be asked to give an opinion, especially when you are asking for the opinion of teenagers. It will be interesting to see if the advertising companies take note”, one American teenager told us.

Well, will they?

Download the report here.

WFA launched Project Reconnect in April 2010. It is designed to provide guidance to marketers on the basis of consumer feedback so that brand communications more closely reflect what people really want and expect from brands online. The ultimate goal is to build trust by bringing people and brands closer together around an agreed set of ground rules for interaction and communication.

For more information please contact Will Gilroy [email protected]

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