Marrakech was the venue for Global Marketer Week 2015. Co-hosted with the Moroccan Association of Advertisers (GAM) between the 16th and 20th of March, GMW2015 brought together global marketing leaders from 30 countries, including the world's biggest brands. Below are some of the highlights.
- WFA appoints Barclays marketer, David Wheldon, as new president
- WFA reveals ground-breaking research into Africa's marketing challenges
- WFA research identifies Seven Deadly Sins of bad marketing
- WFA Global Marketer Week to be held in Kuala Lumpur in 2016
- WFA releases Annual Report 2014
WARC Reports:
- Learning to play well: LEGO's eight-step comeback from near-bankruptcy (pdf)
- Marketing in Morocco: Brand stories from Aicha, Moor's and Nivea (pdf)
- How Bidorbuy, iCow, Guinness and Unilever succeeded in Africa (pdf)
- How Africa does mobile: Lessons from Airtel Money (pdf)
- Falling short on insights, knowledge and aspiration: Why global brands are failing in Africa (pdf)
- The Seven Deadly Sins of bad marketing (pdf)
ZenithOptimedia report on what marketers can learn from how young people approach the pursuit of happiness.
The pursuit of happiness: Creating meaningful brand experiences for millennials
The pursuit of happiness: Creating meaningful brand experiences for millennials
Ebiquity report on the extent of accountability and transparency in media today.
Accountability and transparency around the world
Accountability and transparency around the world
Find out more about Ebiquity's footprint and the services they offer to global clients.
Introduction to Ebiquity
Introduction to Ebiquity
Published to celebrate BrainJuicer's 15th anniversary, this booklet features the 15 things marketers should know about brand building.
The 15 things every modern marketer should know about famous brand building
The 15 things every modern marketer should know about famous brand building