Global Advertiser Week runs from March 30th to April 2nd in Istanbul, Turkey.
The week will be co-hosted by World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) and the Turkish Advertiser Association (RVD).
The headline event will be the Global Advertiser Conference featuring some of the leading lights of global marketing. You can view some photos from last year’s event below.
This site includes details of the planned events, accommodation and how to reserve your place. You can also view video footage and photos from last year's event.

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30 Mar. 14.30-16.30 - Media Measurement Round-Table
  19.30-22.00 - Opening Reception
31 Mar. 8.30-17.00 - Global Advertiser Conference
19.30-22.30 - Reception followed by WFA Dinner
1 Apr. (WFA members only)
9.00-13.00 - WFA Executive Committee
13.00-14.00 - Lunch all WFA members (Mont Blanc Room)
14.30-16.00 - WFA AGM (Monte Rosa Room)
16.00-18.00 - WFA Board Spotlight (Monte Rosa Room)
19.30-22.30 - WFA dinner
2 Apr. (WFA members only)
9.00-17.00 - National Associations Council
20.00 - Closing Party