Swedes launch job-finding network


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The Swedish Advertiser Association (SA) has launched a new network - MMA (“members between jobs”) – that caters specifically to former employees from member companies who are currently between assignments.

The rationale behind the network was that employees from SA member companies should be able to keep up-to-date by attending seminars and receiving weekly newsletters and a digital version of the association magazine Annonsören, “the Advertiser”.

The MMA network also has a closed group on Facebook where participants can keep in touch between the meetings and advise each other of vacancies and assignments.

The project manager for the network is Anna Paues Herlin who, until this summer, worked at the Swedish bank SEB in charge of Private Banking Marketing.

A first meeting will take place in January 2013 at the Association of Swedish Advertisers. To learn more about the network, please contact Anna Paues Herlin, [email protected] (+46-70-794 88 22)

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