Spanish Association appoints new Director General


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The Executive Committee of the Spanish Advertiser Association (aea) has appointed a new Director-General, Lidia Sanz Montes, who will take office from January 1st 2014. Lidia will take over the post from Juan Ramón Plana who will be retiring from the organization.

Lidia Sanz Montes has held the position of Deputy Director-General of the aea since 2002 and has been involved with all activities of the aea, including networking, developing efficiencies for members, running working group committees and representing aea and its members in legislative issues.

At the next Executive Committee meeting in January 2014, Lidia will present her vision on how the aea can meet future challenges, enable social dialogue and strengthen legislative action in collaboration with WFA.

The aea Executive Committee and Board of Directors have expressed their sincere thanks to Juan Ramón Plana for successfully leading the aea for over a decade. On behalf of all WFA national association members, we take the opportunity to send our very best wishes to Juan Ramon and thank him for his great commitment to WFA and the association network.

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