Moroccans hold Digital Summit


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The Association of Advertisers in Morocco (Groupement des Annonceurs du Maroc – GAM), the co-host of WFA's Global Marketer Week 2015, organized on December 16th, 2014 in Casablanca the first edition of the “Moroccan Digital Summit”.

With over 450 participants representing almost 300 different organizations and almost as many Moroccan as international brands, the event brought together Digital Officers, advertisers, digital media professionals and communication agency representatives to exchange knowledge and discuss the latest digital trends impacting marketing strategies, brand development and business more broadly.

During the summit, GAM presented its digital strategy focusing on four pillars: training, information, structure and brand digitization.
  • Axis 1, Training: By contributing to the formation of advertisers on new trends and techniques, sharing best practices and building expertise through thematic seminars, partnerships with universities for the establishment of specialized Masters in Digital, a digital glossary available on the GAM website, as well as the setup of a GAM Academy with a strong focus on digital, soon to be launched.
  • Axis 2, Information: By providing advertisers and the market with quantitative and qualitative indicators for decision-making, as well as a better understanding of the market through studies such as “Digital Trends Morocco”.
  • Axis 3, Structure: By contributing to the implementation of ethical rules (e.g. transparency) in the market.
  • Axis 4, Brand digitization: Through the integration of digital strategies for global brands by means of specific training to be organized that would accelerate the adoption of new technologies and ensure a better symbiosis between content and technology.

On this occasion, GAM has also made a call to action addressed to all advertisers, with nine action points:
  • Establish a platform that would officially represent all digital players vis-à-vis GAM, the public actors and other industry stakeholders
  • Create a trust mark for the providers of digital services
  • Elaborate a best practice charter governing relations between the various actors and detailing the rules of ethical working
  • Clearly define the sector's value chain and a trade repository and a common terminology
  • Launch an Internet audience measurement system
  • Ensure the qualification and clearly define professions and profiles through the implementation of training programs for higher education
  • Multiply the gateways and strengthen the interaction between communication agencies and digital providers
  • Adapt the internal setup of agencies, their resources and expertise to better support brands and help the market develop
  • Disseminate the data protection regulation

This list is not exhaustive and will be further developed through the contribution of various stakeholders. GAM has taken the initiative of launching this process in close collaboration with all the interested parties.

“Building on the success of this first edition, the Moroccan Digital Summit aims to become the largest annual digital event in Morocco and Africa. We will do what we can to transform this into an African Digital Summit as of 2015,” said GAM President Mounir Jazouli.

For more information contact GAM.

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