Mario Davis announced as new regional VP for Latin America


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Mario Davis, President of the Chilean Advertiser Association (ANDA Chile), has replaced Jorge Merino, former President of ANDA Peru, as WFA Regional Vice-President, Latin America. This was confirmed today by unanimous vote at the WFA Executive Committee meeting in Beijing.

WFA's Regional Vice-President is responsible for regional representation of the WFA and for coordinating the regional network of advertiser associations, of which there are 10: CAA (Argentina), ABA (Brazil), ANDA Chile, ANDA Colombia, AAG (Guatemala), AGNA (Mexico), CAP (Paraguay), ANDA Peru, CAU (Uruguay) and ANDA Venezuela.

Mario has been President of ANDA Chile since 2004. Before, he held marketing positions at Nestlé Chile with regional responsibilities for Latin America's Southern Zone countries as well as posts at the Jeep Corporation amongst other assignments.

Stephan Loerke, WFA Managing Director, said: “WFA is hugely grateful for the fantastic service that Jorge Merino has given us over the last 7 years. We are truly indebted to him for having constructed such a close-knit and effective regional network. Looking forward, we are very excited about working with Mario and all our partners in Latin America and building upon Jorge's magnificent ground work.”

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