Italians organise roundtables on TV product placement


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On the 6th and 10th October, the Association of Italian Advertisers (Utenti Pubblicità Associati - UPA) hosted two joint roundtables on the new regulations concerning product placement and branded content, which brought together members of UPA, the Italian telecom authority AGCOM, Roma Tre University, the Association of Film, Television and Multimedia Producers (ANICA) and the main national TV broadcasters to inform stakeholders about the new self-regulatory framework for television product placement.

The roundtables built on the work of the last two years to detail the conditions under which TV product placement is allowed on Italian television, as specified in Decree 44/2010 (Decreto Romani), which transposes the European Audiovisual Media Service Directive (AVMS).

The advertisers (UPA), producers (ANICA) and the main media service providers have agreed on a text that defines the regulation of 1) the undue prominence of TV product placement, the relationship between product placement and 2) sponsorship and respectively 3) branded content, as well as 4) the relationship between naming and product placement.

The final wording (pp. 73-74), the legal framework of TV product placement and a brief comparison between the EU directive transpositions by the different Member States can be consulted here.

To become effective, the new definitions need to be included in the individual codes of conduct of the media service providers.

For more information contact UPA.

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