Cyprus joins European Advertising Standards Alliance


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Brussels, 18 Jan 2013 - The Cypriot self-regulatory body, Cyprus Advertising Regulation Organisation (CARO) became the newest member of EASA's self-regulatory network for advertising standards, following approval by EASA's Executive Committee at a meeting in Nicosia.

This new addition to the Alliance expands the coverage of advertising self-regulation in Europe: EASA now represents 27 self-regulatory organisations in 25 European countries.

EASA Chairman, Ildikó Fazekas, welcomed CARO's membership and said that "the creation of an operational SRO that will now play its part in ensuring responsible advertising in Cyprus underlines the Cypriot advertising industry's firm commitment to self-regulation”.

Members of EASA's Executive Committee met with the Board of CARO to discuss how to further enhance the Cypriot self-regulatory system. In particular they talked about increasing awareness of self-regulation amongst consumers and industry; providing training and copy advice and how to reach out to the new digital media players.

CARO's Vice-President Stelios Malekos said "we are delighted to join EASA's self-regulatory network which will give us access and support under the framework of EASA's Best Practices. This is a positive culmination of many years of serious work and commitment on the part of the Cypriot advertising sector towards putting a viable self-regulatory system into place ".

Press Contact:
Jennifer Pearson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0032 (0)496 213 495

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